866.218.3875 info@cbdshoponline.net
Free Shipping over $ 100.00


Due to the nature of our personal care products, we are unable to place them back in our inventory, but we value you as our customer and we will take back any item you are not completely satisfied with. We take great pride in manufacturing our products and we hope you will be greatly satisfied with your purchase. You can contact us at sales@cbdshoponline.net.

During the checkout process, you will be given the complete terms of your purchase. Included in these terms of sale is your clear understanding that Denis CBD Shop products contain cannabidiol (CBD) from hemp oil. These products have not been evaluated by the FDA. We are committed to complying with FDA regulations and, as none of these products have been evaluated by the FDA, we make no claims as to the extra benefits of CBD (cannabidiol). All sales are final and there are no refunds. Your acceptance of the terms of purchase means you agree to and understand the refund policy.